
Magma Compilation Errors

From RBN/C3 Documentation

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C3 Additions

This part of this page has been added by C3, and is not part of the original Rock Band Network spec. This troubleshooting info is specifically targeted for Magma C3, and not regular Magma.

Internal Error: MIDI Compiler

Tick: 0. Got a text event, but had no current track to put it into! str = [ProFilm_a.pp], type = 1

The venuegen LIGHTING track is not muted. When using venuegen both the LIGHTING and CAMERA tracks should be muted. Otherwise you will get Magma errors like this one.

Midi Compiler: PART VOCALS

Confused by vocal phrase overlap around [xx:x:xxx]

A vocals phrase near that timestamp is too short. Make the phrase longer.

See the Vocal Authoring / Phrasing doc.

MIDI Compiler: MIDI File

Time division must be 480 ticks per quarter

C3 Author: doa.


Magma fails with the following output:

Project Compiler: Entering Phase 2 of 5…
MIDI Compiler: Starting…
ERROR: MIDI Compiler: (MIDI FILE): Time division must be 480 ticks per quarter; this file is 960 ticks per quarter
This is a setting in REAPER that you somehow changed. Install the RBN Authoring Tools and this will reset the value in REAPER or find the setting manually and set it back to 480 (Figure 1).
MIDI Compiler: Done.
ERROR: Project Compiler: Midi compiler failed.


Rock Band Network (RBN) Authoring Tools were already installed and re-installing them did not resolve the issue.


  1. In Reaper click the Options menu and then select Preferences from the menu list.
  2. In the left hand pane of the Preferences window select MIDI.
  3. Set Ticks per quarter note for new MIDI items to 480 (Figure 1).
  4. Click the OK button.

Figure 1: Reaper Preferences - MIDI - Ticks Setting.


Found event(s) after the [end] event

C3 Author: doa.


ERROR: MIDI Compiler: (TEMPO TRACK): Found event(s) after the [end] event; [end] is at [155:1:000], last event is at [156:2:051]


The C3 Project Template contains pre-populated event markers on the Event track which need to be repositioned before a custom is completed.

The [end] event signifies the end point of a custom song and should be positioned accordingly. There should be no other markers or events after then [end] event marker.


Figure 2 shows that the [end] event (and the [music_end] event) need to be moved to the end of the song.

Figure 2: Reaper - Incorrect position of [end] and [music_end] events.

Make sure that the [end] marker is positioned correctly, after the [music_end] event, and at the end of the song.

There should not be any tempo markers after the [end] marker. If there are misplaced tempo marker(s) after the [end] marker then delete them.

Original RBN Content

Part Required but not Found

Error: Magma complains that a PART is required, but not found, even though you have that MIDI part authored:

Project Compiler: Entering Phase 2 of 6...
MIDI Compiler: Starting...
ERROR: MIDI Compiler:
c:/documents and settings/rbn/desktop/rbn/artist/song.mid:
Track PART VOCALS required but not found
ERROR: Project Compiler: Midi compiler failed.

This may be because you need a "Track Name" event at 1.1.00 in your instrument track. You may have accidentally deleted it, moved it away from the first tick of the first measure, or set it to a Text Event.

Another common reason this can happen is that you have muted the MIDI tracks in Reaper. Double check and make sure the track that is giving you this error is un-muted.

Conductor Track?

Error: Magma complains about a problem during MIDI compilation and refers to (Conductor) track:

ERROR: MIDI Compiler: <filename>- <filename>.mid (Conductor):
Found event(s) after the [end] event; [end] is at 121:1:000, ...

'Conductor' is another name for the master track. We'll fix this error message in a future release of Magma.

Weights Compiler Failed

Error: During phase 3, Magma complains that dry vox does not match vocal notes.

Vocal Scoring Compiler: Starting...
ERROR: Vocal Scoring Compiler:
Failed to generate vocal weights;
dry vox audio does not appear to match the vocal notes authored in the MIDI file
Vocal Scoring Compiler: Done.
ERROR: Project Compiler: Weights compiler failed.

One of the things Magma does during Phase 3 is run a comparison between the dryvox audio of the vocal track and the MIDI notes that you put in for vocal notes. If the original singer was perfect, the audio and MIDI notes would always line up absolutely. But in the real world people wander off pitch, intentionally or not.

Note: We use the same algorithm during phase 3 that we do in the game, when we are comparing your lovely singing voice coming through the mic with the note tube that the author of the song created.

During this Phase 3 comparison pass, when the sung note is a different pitch from the MIDI, we loosen up the scoring so that people playing the game aren't penalized for singing what they hear. However, if the vocal notes that are sung are consistently very different from the MIDI notes, you will get this error.

There are several reasons this could be happening.

  • Maybe your dry vox isn't lined up properly with the MIDI note tubes.
  • Maybe you have authored the MIDI note tubes inaccurately.
  • Perhaps your singer is just really really off pitch.
  • Maybe you didn't record the song at A440.

Early Notes

If you receive this error when Compiling in Magma:

ERROR: MIDI Compiler:
c:/documents and settings/rbn/desktop/rbn/artist/artistsong.mid (PART GUITAR):
Gem at 1:1:210 is only 0.23 seconds into the song;
gems cannot appear before 2.50 seconds into the song

There are two similar notices. The error above happens if you have notes within the first 2.5 seconds, and will break your compile- Rock Band can't have notes that early in a track.

The second is only a warning, and it happens if you have notes between 2.5 and 3.5 seconds. These are legal positions, but Audition mode has a bug that causes them to not appear the first time you test a song. If you load, then restart playing a song, it works. This doesn't affect "real" play, so it isn't a full error, though it's generally a good idea to slide everything up a measure to resolve it. (Just be careful of your MIDI events.)

MIDI Export Fail

If your MIDI file has any errors, Magma will give you the "export cancelled or failed" error message and it won't export the basic lighting/camera data. The way to check the MIDI file is by attempting a build and use the error log to correct whatever you need to.