
Built In Autogen Section Definitions

From RBN/C3 Documentation

This page lists all the practice sections which are handled by default by the autogen system in Magma 2.0.

;  This contains the default set of mappings we use to go from actual practice section names
;  to a category (i.e "verse") that the autogen themes are centered around

  (practice_sections "*intro*")
  (practice_sections "*preverse*")
  (practice_sections "*verse_1*")
  (practice_sections "*verse_2*")
  (practice_sections "*verse_3*" "*verse_4*" "*verse_5*" "*verse_6*" "*verse_7*" "*verse_8*" "*verse_9*")
  (practice_sections "*postverse*")
  (practice_sections "*prechorus*")
  (practice_sections "*postchorus*")
  (practice_sections "*chorus_1*")
  (practice_sections "*chorus_2*")
  (practice_sections "*chorus_3*" "*chorus_4*" "*chorus_5*" "*chorus_6*" "*chorus_7*" "*chorus_8*" "*chorus_9*")  
  (practice_sections "*solo*")
  (practice_sections "*bridge*")
  (practice_sections "*outro*")
  (practice_sections "*main_riff*")